Gain back your killer curve after birth and go sexy

During pregnancy, a women abdominal muscle separates to make room for your growing uterus. Sometimes after you delivery the baby, the muscle continue to be separated producing a protrusion “baby belly”. If left untreated, this can be permanent and continue to worsen with each additional pregnancies.
Our What Waist trainer can help you reduce your baby belly in a little as a month. After pregnancy, many women experience Diastasis Recti, also known as abdominal separation.

The good news? You can repair you Diastasis Recti with proper exercise and waist training. Our What Waist trainers forces the abdominal muscles back together with consistence wear over time. Our waist trainers help you hold your core, correct your posture and apply light pressure to your abdominal muscles. Our new collection of waist trainer and workout line is great for post-partum. They are made of genuine quality latex which produces fast effective results. Our Super Aggressive Sport and Workout trainer provide great coverage for both above and below the belly, targeting all your troubled areas.
It helps to gain back the sexy body after several visit to chicken republic , domino plaza, KFC, Mr Biggs, Mama Case ETC. because Waist cincher action creates compression in your core, stimulating thermal activity and ramping up perspiration. This process allows toxins and impurities to exit the skin, while mobilizing fat cells.

A training cincher is designed to be used every day and can be hidden under clothing. They are also designed to be worn for long periods of time. Waist training requires discipline and commitment that will help you achieve extreme modifications to your figure and posture. For best results waist train with a healthy diet, lots of water and exercise regular to maintain your body.

For your authentic steel bone latex or corset waist cincher.

Kindly WHATSAPP or CALL our expert team with good customer relationship for the right choice.
WHATSAPP / CALL: 08167711084 
WHATSAPP / CALL: 08186548187 
WHATSAPP / CALL: 08090721384
ALSO don’t forget to like our page on Facebook. TYPE trendy shape. FOLLOW US ON Twitter: @trendyshape and instagram: @trendyshape. BBM CHANNEL C002557DA

Benefits of a Waist Training Corset

•             High compression helps to firm and tone your stomach, love handles and lower belly fat.

•             Assists in post pregnancy body restoration

•             Miro-massage increases blood circulation and stimulates perspiration (sweat) on your    abdominal area.

•             Offers back support

•             Promotes a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mind each day

•             Aids back pain and offers back support

•             Cinches your waist helping you achieve “cola bottle” curves

•             Can be worn for workouts and everyday use


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