Sunday Business Tips: How To Start Making Money With Your Skills
Hello guys its another Sunday where I try to expose you to some benefiting business tips. I chose to be dropping business tips on Sunday because i think the best period of the week to think positively about ones future is on weekends because of less work. So after reading the tips here, you can go back to your closet and meditate about it.
However, this site is mainly visited by the youths in Nigeria and the world at large who are desperately in need of guidelines that will take them through the course of this life. The economic situation in the world is not even helping matters and the worst case being the state of dwindling unemployment rate at the moment.
Our various institutions keep churning out graduates every now and then with no plan for sustainable development shemes and implementations. Today's higher institutions are deviating away from tutoring or lecturing students on how to succeed in life through discovering of ones skills. They are more concerned on the revenue they generate from selling of handouts and unscrupulous sorting. Our youth are suffering both the graduates, undergraduates and O'level school leavers and the Government keep promising without fulfilling.
Are you going to continue waiting and hoping that miracle happens tomorrow? Of course miracles do happen but its always better to step out first. Apply a step of faith because heaven helps those who help themselves. One major advice that i always recall was "he who fails to plan, plans to fail". My dear, anytime i remember this, i will quickly adjust and move to the right part immediately.
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Without wasting much time, I would like to draw your mind in a very sensitive topic that you shouldn't neglect in life. What am i taking about here? SKILLS. Before going on, lets know what skill means.
What Is Skill?
Skill is the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.
You can see from the definition that if you check very deep inside you, there must be a God given or acquired skills. Some people are naturally born with some skills (talents) while others develop theirs through skill acquisition programs.
As a young boy back then, i was naturally in love with anything tech. I can't even count how many gadgets i destroyed in the house as a child in my quest to discover what is inside the gadget. I was very adventurous (even now). This led me into electrical wiring and installations and before i could finish my primary school, i had already discovered my career part and talents so i started working on it.
As of 2007, i had already started paying to visit cyber cafes and the only thing i could do online then was to view pictures of electricity and computers on google. I was extremely excited at what i saw and i decided to follow that part of life. Fast forward it to this day. I have acquired so many skills both as an Web Designer and as a Computer Scientists and whether Government Job comes or not, my skills will continue keeping my bank account busy.
How To Discover Yourself And Start Making Money
What am I trying to say here, you too can discover yourself today and start making money from what you know how to do best. It might not be ICT skills but different skills as there are so many of them. Maybe you are good at business or you always like people that are into business. Just wake up. Look around you and find out those stuffs that are lacking in your street or area. There must be necessities that are not readily available or accessible to the people around you. Get those stuffs and start selling them and make money from it.
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Do you know that people are rushing into Smart watch ⌚ at the moment? In fact, it is one of the booming and lucrative business now after smartphones. You can buy a lot of them from online stores like Konga, Jumia, Aliexpress, Gea
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